my favourite race is bosmer. not because of any cool lore things, just because of daewen.
2) what is your favourite class?
thief is my favourite way to play i suppose. i like to be sneaky (because i am bad at actual fighting) and thievery is one of the best ways i've found of making money to spend on iron ore to make nails to build the bloody houses.
3) what is your favourite town?
i really love riften. i like the little market area. i like brynjolf. i like the pretty autumnal colours. i like brynjolf. i like the temple of mara. i like brynjolf. i really like jumping into the river. i like brynjolf. i love honeyside. i like bynjolf. and i like pretty much all of the npcs.
4) who is your favourite follower?
ok straight up fuck this question. i knew it would be here and i don't want to choose. i love farkas following me because he's a big dumb nord baby, but i worry once i've completed his purity quest because he becomes non-essential and could die. i love mjoll the lioness because she's so pretty and badass but she talks so much and it's the same things over and over it gets a bit boring. i think cicero is my favourite. he's daewen's best friend and he's all little and scary. i love cicero.
5) who is your least favourite npc?uhh. oh! mercer frey. i just cannot stand him okay next question.
6) who is your favourite daedric prince?

7) what is your favourite weapon or spell?
my favourite weapon is chillrend because it makes me so happy to steal it from mercer. he steals from my guild and i will steal his own sword and use it against him. i also really like the wabbajack. my favourite spell is probably dead thrall because it's fun to have zombies following you forever. i lost nirya forever doing that once. also i like fireball because BOOM.
8) what is your favourite quest?
9) stormcloaks, imperials or neither?
i don't tend to side with either. i have done both for xbox achievements but don't agree with either side's views. the imperials are totally wrong for stopping people worshipping talos, but the stormcloaks, mainly ulfric, are super racist and don't like anyone who isn't nord. it would have been nice to be able to join the thalmor also to see how they deal with the civil war, but nah.

10) what is your favourite armour?
daewen got so attached to her guildmaster armour she was always in it aww cutie. i also like the female ancient nord armour (helloooo aela!!) but i don't often play heavy armour.
11) do you have the dlc? which one is your favourite?
i have all of them!!! i like hearthfire most because i like building the houses a lot. i also do like dawnguard a bit because the vampires are cool but they get kinda annoying after a while.
12) what is your favourite school of magic?
uhh destruction. i don't play mages much though. if i do i only ever do destruction. i had daewen do conjuration for a little bit and had a bunch of run summoning daedra.
13) what is your favourite faction?
14) vampire or werewolf?
uhh werewolf because you don't get blinded when you go outside in the daytime. i never really use either though. [tasty werewolf hehehehe]
15) what is your favourite thing about skyrim?
i don't know??? i don't know. i don't even know why i like it honestly i just do.
16) what is your least favourite thing about skyrim?
you know how sometimes the game glitches so bad that you can't do a quest? that.
17) what is your favourite shout?
i only ever use unrelenting force tbh. i just love blowing people away or yelling them off cliffs. one time i tried to fus a bandit off a cliff but had whirlwind sprint on and i died.
18) are you a frequent skooma user?
nah. i don't use it. i do take it from that little bandit camp around the back of whiterun, though.
i never read them? i should read them. i will say the lusty argonian maid for now.
20) who was the hardest enemy you've faced?
wounded frostbite spider. not hard in gameplay terms, hard because i am so scared of spiders. i used to get someone else to do bleak falls for me, but because i start so may characters i needed to learn to do it myself. eventually i managed to go in there and kill it, and now it hardly bothers me at all. eventually i'll brave nimhe.
21) what is your favourite weapon enchantment?
aaahhhh i love chaos damage!! daewen uses a stalhrim sword with chaos and it's so good and chaos damage = purple?? okay.
22) favourite armour/clothing enchantment?
waterbreathing!!! i love being able to dive without worrying about drowning (or having to be argonian lol soz) so that's useful!! xbox daewen has a stormcloak officer helmet with waterbreathing that has been named swimmy bear hat.
23) what is your favourite non-combat skill?
errr speech i think. i like the perks for it. it's very useful being able to sell any item to any merchant. or invest in a business and pickpocket the money back from them. i also like pickpocket because stealing equipped clothes is great i made almost all of markarth naked once.
24) what are you playing on?

25) what was the funnies thing you've had happen to you in skyrim?
nothing horribly funny jumps out at me, but there's been a bunch of silly stuff. dragon got stuck in the sky. flying mammoth. fort dawnguard not being there. falling through solitude. it's a lot funnier on pc when you can mess with the console.
26) should children be killable in skyrim?
i think yes? maybe a bigger bounty for killing them though? i dunno. braith.
27) who is your favourite divine?
mara. daewen is an agent of mara and always wears the amulet.
"Live soberly and peacefully. Honor your parents, and preserve the peace and security of home and family." (ok maybe she doesn't always follow that, but she could if she wanted to!!)
i'm also pretty down with dibella:
"Open your heart to the noble secrets of art and love. Treasure the gifts of friendship. Seek joy and inspiration in the mysteries of love."
28) your favourite location. caves/ruins:
bloated man's grotto. i love the bloodmoon when you go there to meet with sinding. i like that quest in general tbh.
bloated man's grotto. i love the bloodmoon when you go there to meet with sinding. i like that quest in general tbh.
29) who did you marry last?
... i got a mod to let me marry brynjolf. daewen loves him and always has and it was so nice for her to finally get him. when i made her on xbox the plan was for her to love ulfric and for ulfric to love her but because he's unmarryable it could be forbidden so she'd never marry. but then she met brynjolf, who was also unmarryable, so she couldn't have him either. then she met farkas who was marryable, so she did. and he knew she was settling because she was always with the guild. so, when i found the friendly brynjolf mod i had to have it so my girl could finally have stupid thief asshole. ...but still think about farkas a lot because TASTY WEREWOLF.
30) post your favourite skyrim picture! I'M GONNA POST A BUNCH OKKKK.
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