Character Name: daewen rivverrun
Nicknames: lass / little elf.
Age (human years): 19-21
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Romantic/Sexual Alignment: bisexual
Illnesses/Disabilities/Neurodivergences: none
Personality: sneaky, flirty, fierce.
Kintype: ????
Family:mother, father, older twin sisters, brother.
Significant other: farkas/brynjolf.
Species: bosmer
Voice: not too high but definitely feminine. sexy.
Height: quite short, hence 'little elf'
Weight: not a lot.
Skin type/color: greenish brown. dark for a bosmer. freckled.
Eye color: orange
Hair style/color: short hair shaved on one side/long wavy hair with a fringe. dark brown.
Scars/visual injuries: scar below her left eye.
Notable/unique features: white warpaint around eyes.
Tattoos/piercings/etc: shadowmark tattoo on left hip. a few ear piercings.
Usual clothing: guildmaster outfit or rogue outfit.
Smells like: mountain flowers, nightshade (because she usually carries them)
Race: bosmer
Ethnicity: BOSMER.
Nationality: from valenwood???
Religious beliefs: mara/namira
Image reference:

Quote/catchphrase: she doesn't really have one.
Backstory: she was born to a pretty well off family in valenwood. she has two older sisters and an older brother. she was very close to him. her parents favored her sisters to her and she rebelled by getting involved in stealing and being a bad kid i guess. eventually her parents had enough of it and told her to leave. she ended up travelling to skyrim with barely anything to her name. she crossed into skyrim near falkreath and was chased by a frostbite spider which she is terrified of. a man dressed in dark clothes and a hood saved her from it but she kept running without knowing who it was. (it was bryn and he never forgot her face but shh that's a secret this story is so cute and dumb i love it) and then skyrim happens i guess. (copied and pasted from previous post)
Ongoing/Current story: skyrim but with more fucking brynjolf.
Future story: settling down with brynjolf and stealing shit together i suppose.
Likes: brynjolf, cicero, puppies, money.
Dislikes: spiders, mercer frey.
Theme song(s): i'm with you - avril lavigne
OTP song(s): lying is the most funn a girl can have without taking her clothes of - panic at the disco
Hogwarts house: slytherin
Patronus animal: wolf (that seems pretty deviantart or something but i really think it would be because she's a fucking werewolf and the whole farkas thing it makes sense)
Pokemon gym leader type: dark or psychic
Fursona species: wolf again i guess omfg though she's not having a fursona.
Gemsona stone: pyrope garnet
Character alignment: neutral evil
Deadly sin: lust/greed
Job/makes a living by: stealing shit. killing dragons. killin'
Things the character collects: wooden plates.
Languages spoken: whatever language is spoken on nirn or in tamriel. some dovahzuul.
What were they like as a child?: sad. as her parents favored her sisters she spent a lot of time with her brother or trying to get attention.
What/who is the character most faithful to: brynjolf. the night mother to an extent.
What do other characters wrongly assume about them?: that she's super big and scary.
What do other characters correctly assume about them?: she's fkn hot.
Do they like the name they were given?: she's happy with it. there's worse bosmeri names.
What would they change their name to, given the chance?: she changed it to nightwind for a little bit to try and estrange herself from her family but went back to riverrun after a while. (surname there)
As a child, what did they want to do when they grew up?: join the thieves guild with her big brother!
Do they ever get to do that?: she joined but not with covan.
Fears/phobias/triggers: frostbite spiders.
Favorite place: riften.
Favorite person: brynjolf (or cicero)
Favorite kind of weather: rainy
Favorite time of day: early morning.
Favorite type of environment (plains, cities, oceans, etc): she likes the plains around whiterun a lot. she loves the forests of the rift because of the colours but gets attacked by frostbite spiders too often to really enjoy it.
Place of birth: valenwood, but i cant remember which city.
What do they eat?:humans? a lot of meat. she doesn't really stick to the green pact as much as she did while she lived at home but she still prefers to eat a lot of meat. as the champion of namira she does eat the people she kills from time to time. if she really must.
Current place of residence: honeyside (except when i'm actually playing it's windstad manor. but that timeline is wrong so.)
Do they wear jewelry?: she wears an amulet of mara.
Do they wear makeup?: is war pain makeup?
Do they dress practically or fashionably?: a bit of both. her clothing is good for what she does but it's pretty cute.
How often do they exercise? And how?: she's pretty much doing stuff all the time.
What mythical creature would they be?: well shes literally a werewolf.
Are they ticklish?: you know i think she would be i bet brynjolf would have a lot of fun with that.
Character’s parent(s): pengae and dirding. (i told u there were worse bosmeri names i picked awful names for them purposefully because they suck)
Which parent would character choose to live with: neither.
Siblings: twin sisters belwen and cirwen (her mother clearly has a naming pattern) and a brother covan.
Pets: a lpuppy with no name.
Preferred weapon: a bow, but she can use magic and swords too.
Do they want to get married?: maybe one day.
Do they want to have kids?: maybe one day?
Character’s most cherished items: chillrend because she took it from that fucker mercer.
Is there anyone they really hate?: MERCER FREY and also that racist guy in windhelm.
How would your character react to being lost in the woods overnight?: "oh fuck there's gonna be spiders"
Would they ever consider killing someone?: she is literally an assassin
Would they follow through with killing someone?: LITERALLY AN ASSASSIN.
How many close friends do they have?: umm, bryn, farkas, cicero, aela, mjoll. that many.
How many acquaintances do they have?: a whole bunch she talks to a lot of people.
How many enemies do they have?: she tends to get rid of them sooooo not many heh.
How would they react if they arrived in our world?: "oh hey the spiders are pretty small here that's cool where are the people with pointy ears WHAT IS THAT THING" there is no electricity in skyrim she would be confused.
Do they believe in god(s/ess/esses)?: mara.
Do they have any magical powers?: she's good at destruction magic.
They have to take care of an infant for 24 hours. How do they manage?: it would probably pick up a lot of swear words and have a knife by the time it goes home.
Ho much do they value money?: she likes money and has made a lot of it.
Do they believe in ghosts/spirits?: yes.
What role would they have in a Disney movie?: she would probably be the sassy female sidekick or something. she's not a princess. not in the usual disney princess sense anyway.
How old do they think they are going to live to be?: elves get pretty old.
Do they live to be that age?:by being an elf
How do they think they are going to die?: probably a dragon or something.
Have they had their first kiss? When/where/with who?: i've never thought about it. i don't think she'd have had any experiance before leaving valenwood. farkas is pribably her first.
How would they react to walking into a glass door in public?: she'd probably yell a lot and bonk cicero on the head if he's with her.
How would they interact with a dog being walked that wants to greet them?: she'd happily pet the dog!
If they saw a house on fire and someone trapped inside, what would they do?:she'd probably be able to save them! depending on whoe it was.
What turns them on?: LASS
What turns them off?: mercer lol ugly asshole.
Are they passive, aggressive or defensive?: aggressive
Cats or dogs?: dogs.
Big spoon or little spoon?: little spoon omfg that's so cute.
Would they press the same button a lot of times if an elevator was going slowly?: yes she is not a patient person.
If they could access social media, which sites would they use?: probably instagram. i feel like she'd take a lot of selfies. she'd be cool with nude selfies too.
What would they do if they saw someone drop their wallet and it had a lot of money in it?: she'd keep it.
How would they react if someone they weren’t interested in asked them out on a date?: she'd probably calmly say no. she'd be a little shocked because people aren't usually that forward with her.
Special skills/talents:
Patience level (with known people): some
Patience level (with strangers):not much.
Patience level (with children): barely any.
Patience level (with animals): more than with people if the animal is cute.
Patience level (with artificial objects): a surprising amount. she is very dedicated to lockpicking once she gets started.
What was their biggest rebellion against authority? Why did they do it?: she started stealing to gain the attention of her parents.
Have they ever used sexuality to get something they wanted?: of course.
Name something new they taught someone: i want to say that she taught brynjolf a few dirty words in dovahzuul. possibly accidentally.
Is there someone they are close to who no one else likes? What’s the story?: no one likes cicero because he's an annoying lil shitbag but he swore loyalty to her as the listener and he's so lovely to her she can't let him go.
Inspiration/reason to create the character: i just wanted a bosmer character to play through the guild questlines and do sneak/archery. and this happened. i love her.
Is their name based on a pun or joke?: nah
Number of revamps/redesigns they’ve been through: so many! i'm still not sure on all of her details so things change a lot. i hope one day i'll have her story down properly.
Is this character okay to draw fan art of?: YES.